Steer Your Business Magazine

The Steer Your Business Magazine & Podcast

Join a supportive global online community of business owners who understand the challenges you face.

In every issue,  we provide you with an inspiring, exciting, and powerful content to help you build your business.

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Latest Articles:

Aly Young

Investing in the Goodwill of your business

News and Views

Abolition of the furnished holiday lettings tax regime

News and Views

Using the Apprenticeship Levy to Upskill your Workforce

If you've moved from employment to self-employment as a lot of us have, then running your own business can be a bit of a culture shock!

If you need support, or just want to chat to someone about where you are and where you want to get to, then help is at hand


I really struggle with some of the business magazines being distributed today - both physically and digitally. The content seems to invariably be a business describing a success story or event that is relevant to them, or how fantastic their new product or service is... but hardly worth taking out time to read. I have to say Sally that your publication "Steer your business magazine" was a good read. The content not only sparked off some ideas for me and my business, but I also felt I wanted to reach out to the authors… this didn't apply to every article, as I am sure the items that interested me wouldn’t appeal to everyone… but overall the articles are interesting, they talk to the reader about ideas for their business, they address relevant issues and are presented at a length and in a 'designed way' that makes the whole thing a delight. I read over 75% of the last edition (that's very high for me)... At last, someone is actually putting some thought into sourcing and publishing content that is helpful and interesting to the reader, not the author.

It's a troublesome time for many, but just wanted to say you seem to be getting this spot on…

Roger Williams

Inspirational Interviews

Sharing inspirational stories which help with motivation and keep you going on those days when you think it’s all too much. Someone else has been in the same place and moved forward; hearing their story is often enough to motivate you to get out of your rut and into a much better place with your business.

Keeping Up-To-Date

Things move so fast in the business world and it’s important to be aware of what’s happening. Regular articles on the changes in legislation, new ideas and ways of working are essential to keep up-to-date with best practice and how you can implement it.

Great Ideas

Have you ever had a great idea but wondered how to get started? Sharing knowledge about all the things you need to think about in your business is a great way of getting your plan underway as well as finding people who can help you. Collaboration is the way to build your business and finding the right people is the first step.