News & Views

The latest information regarding Steer Your Business activities as well as small business articles of interest.

News and Views

Using the Apprenticeship Levy to Upskill your Workforce

The Importance of Upskilling Your Workforce: Investing in the Future of Your Business, small, medium or large ! In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, the importance of upskilling your workforce cannot be overstated. As industries transform and new technologies emerge, businesses that prioritize continuous learning and development are better positioned to thrive. Here are […]

News and Views

The Importance and Benefits of Resilient Leader Behaviours   As a reminder, my definition of Resilience is “Springing Forward with Learning”.  To achieve this, we need to pause, re-energise and reflect. When Leaders are role modeling being a Resilient Leader, then some of their reflections will be about their behaviours.  Please remember that behaviours are observable actions… what we (or others) actually do […]

Lucy Kebbell

It’s never too early to think about sustainability in your business 

What is sustainability?  You will probably have heard the word used a lot, but what does it mean? Sustainability is defined as to maintain or support a process over time. However,  in 1987, the UN re-defined sustainability as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own […]

News and Views

Selling to private equity 

Many people perceive a sale to PE, as a ruthless affair. However, selling out to private equity groups doesn’t have to mean a predatory transaction.  These sales may range from a minority buy-in to a majority buy-out, where the owner retains either a minority or majority stake. Or a complete transfer of ownership, maybe with […]

Chris Falby

The Death Valley Curve.

We’re going to open with the obvious: managing cash flow is a vital part of running a business, especially for start-up businesses. “The Death Valley Curve” is the period where an abundance of new businesses fail, typically, this occurs within the first 5 years of opening. It portrays the drop in finances where outgoings are […]

News and Views

Debt Collection, Debt Recovery, Debt Management, Credit Control or Collector Do You Know the Difference Between Them?

As a Credit Management and Debt Recovery specialist I often get asked if I do Debt Management or people think I do Debt Management and whilst I can help signpost you to the right place as an individual to get advice from the right people, I don’t do Debt Management. I can help businesses better […]