Support Your Community and #BuySocial

25th July 2021 / Sally Marshall / No Comments

Exciting news!

We will be adding a #buysocial directory to the website to showcase the charities and social enterprises that do some amazing work.

Not only do they produce amazing products and services, but they also contribute to the community so it’s a “win, win”.

Social enterprises are supporting all sorts of communities such as those suffering from mental health, isolation or food poverty.

Many of the businesses don’t shout about the amazing work that they do. Social entrepreneurs are often humble people who are passionate about their mission and just get on with it.

Many trade like a traditional business but the profits are fed back into the business rather being taken out as dividends. Others apply for funding in order to deliver specific projects to the community; others operate with a combination of the two.

If you’d like to be included, please get in touch or sign up through the website

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