How accreditation benefits businesses

8th May 2024 / Catherine Perry / No Comments

Industry accreditation is independent recognition that an organisation meets the requirements of governing industry standards. It is a formal recognition process in which businesses meet predefined criteria and quality standards assessed by an independent accreditation body.

Having accreditation as a business provides confidence to customers of the quality, competence, safety and reliability of their accredited products and services.

Commonly recognised accreditations are ISO’s, SafeContractor, CHAS, Construction line, as well as specialist areas that need Merlin standard or RECC Membership.

TQB Ltd can help businesses achieve these accreditations through a meticulous and precise audit process. Below we explore the benefits of choosing an accredited supplier.

Growing numbers of businesses are choosing accreditation because of the opportunities and benefits it brings.

Accreditation can:

  • Assure the efficiency and validity of processes.
  • Confirm accuracy of measurements.
  • Create assurance around innovation.
  • Demonstrate technical competence.
  • Prove impartiality.
  • Deliver confidence.
  • Gain commercial advantages.
  • Increase international acceptance for import & export.

Benefits of choosing an accredited supplier:

  • Accredited specifications will be met.
  • There is certainty and reliability in the supply chain.
  • You can rely on competence in service level.
  • They are showcasing a quality-centric approach.
  • A traceable chain of quality performance can be expected.
  • Reduced of failure and downtime.
  • Accurate measurements and tests have been carried out in compliance with best practices.
  • You can expect controlled and predictable manufacturing costs.
  • They can demonstrate due diligence in the event of legal action.

TQB Ltd are highly experienced in Quality Assurance accreditations and H&S marks of confidence such as SafeContractor. For more information on how we can help your business become industry accredited, contact the team today

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