How to Increase Your Organic Traffic

13th April 2020 / Sally Marshall / No Comments

The challenge for any business is to make sure that when people look for a product or service like yours, they find you and not a competitor.

But it’s not about mindless search engine optimisation (SEO) and costly pay-per-click advertising. There’s plenty you can do increase organic traffic at no cost except your time.

Here’s how.

1. Optimise for your readers, not search engines

First and foremost, write your buyer personas so you know to whom you’re addressing your content. By creating quality educational content that resonates with your ideal buyers, you’ll naturally improve your SEO.

This means tapping into the main issues of your personas and the keywords they use in search queries. Optimising for search engines alone is useless; all you’ll have is keyword-riddled nonsense.

Please your buyer personas, and you’ll automatically please the search engines.

I wrote a blog last week identifying and explaining ‘the three most common errors in business SEO strategies’ you can read that by clicking here

2. Use long-tail keywords

Don’t just go with the most popular keywords in your market. Use keywords that are more specific to your product or service. In time, Google and other search engines will identify your website or blog as a destination for that particular subject, which in turn will boost your content in search rankings and help your ideal customers find you.

Choosing the right keywords is equally important, this article is a useful guide Click here

Remember: Ranking on Google is about owning a sphere of influence for a specific niche topic. This blog post, for example, is targeted for those who want specific learnings on increasing organic traffic. We’re not targeting every SEO-related keyword.

3. Blog regularly

Blogging is perhaps the most effective way to increase your organic site traffic. It lets you go into more depth than your website allows and creates a large catalogue of helpful, persona-optimised content centred on your market niche. However, poorly-written, spammy or cheap content can do more harm than good. Avoid it.

A good copywriter is like gold dust! Once you have one hold on for dear life!

4. Blow your own trumpet

You can also link to your content yourself, on your own personal blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc – no spamming, mind. If people come in from social media and spend time with your content, it is a strong signal to Google that the content is relevant, useful and interesting.

5. Use social media

Build a presence on social media networks like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook etc. All of these activities help to get your name and website address out on the internet.

It important to increase engagement levels, You can do this by tagging people (with permission) and one or two targeted hashtags.


Make sure you are getting the right message out to your audience not only during these difficult times surrounding Covid-19 but when the world returns to normal maintain these efforts and they will prove fruitful

If you are looking to get more information on how some of these activities plus more can help you Contact me or request a free seo audit

Matthew Dorrington – CEO Simple Advertising

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