Together Networking

26th March 2020 / Sally Marshall / No Comments

Businesses Come Together

Within a week of launching the Together Network has grown a community of 800 businesses all needing support and helping each other through these tough times. The network offers 3 free webinars a week, an online fitness session everyday and fun and wellbeing opportunities in between all provided by local businesses. to give the community as much assistance as possible, these could range from fitness while working from home to how to stay connected with other businesses.

The vast majority of the members within the community are small, self-employed businesses who are going to struggle through these coming months so the network is more important than ever for small businesses to support each other where possible. 

The group has daily, digestible updates on the government’s financial updates from local accountants, business owners sharing their skills so you can pick up new skills from photography to French and a weekly virtual Pub Quiz.

Together networking is made up of three local Medway businesses: JK Online, Clockwork Moggy and Dragon Coworking

For further information on Together Networking, please visit the website:

Dragon – 

JK Online –

Clockwork Moggy – 5

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