
In Conversation With Kevin Artlett

The Intricacies of Credit Control: A Journey from Accidental Discovery to Passionate Advocacy In the world of finance, credit control and credit management are critical yet often underappreciated disciplines. Kevin Arlett’s journey into this field was not one of deliberate choice but rather a serendipitous stumble, a narrative not uncommon among professionals in this sector.

In Conversation With Kevin Artlett Read More »

Salary or Dividend For Company Owners and Directors?

It has generally been the case that dividends have offered company owners and directors a cost effective and flexible remuneration option compared to a bonus or salary.  However, the gap between the two has narrowed more recently, and with the recent Corporation Tax rise from 19% flat rate to an upper rate of 25%, it

Salary or Dividend For Company Owners and Directors? Read More »

Spotting Problems Early & Acting Decisively 

All businesses encounter problems at some stage. Good management sees the red flags early and takes corrective action before the downturn sets in and becomes irreversible. The end game may be an insoluble cash flow crisis, but the trouble starts way before then.   Budget miss  Forecasts are always wrong, the only question is by how

Spotting Problems Early & Acting Decisively  Read More »

The importance of actionable data in financial decision making…and how to get your hands on it 

As a business owner, you are constantly making decisions that impact the financial health of your company. It’s all about making the right predictions, spotting the right trends, and understanding market conditions to unlock more profit and lower risks. More importantly, you need to be making these decisions in a timely manner. This is where

The importance of actionable data in financial decision making…and how to get your hands on it  Read More »